"No cantes la lluvia, poeta. ¡Haz llover!"

"No cantes la lluvia, poeta. ¡Haz llover!"

Thursday, December 16, 2010

December 16, 2010.

After school today I went to one of the seaside restaurants on the boardwalk underneath us for a glass of rioja, my favorite type of Spanish red wine, and watched the sunset. While I was sitting there I saw this little boy in the photo below. The sign says "Prohibido Perros", which means dogs prohibited.

In preparation for Christmas our first graders are learning a song called, "Mi Burrito Sabanero", which is about the trek to Bethlehem. Yes, I guess I just called it a trek. Horrible. My English isn't very good today. I'm in a Spanish mindset. If you remember from past posts, Ricardo is playing the guitar in this picture and Veronica is sitting down. These are two of the teachers I have become friends with at my school.

Today was El Dia de la Lectura
in Andalucia, the region of Spain I am living in.This means that it was the Day of Stories in the region of Spain I'm in. The kids at my school looked at the cover of a variety of books and chose which one they wanted to hear. Each teacher chose a different one and told it to the class. Javi and I read It's Not Easy Being a Bunny.

I think it would be safe to say that Javi and I talk more than we teach together in our classes. The little boy in the top right, David (curly blonde hair with his hand up), is one of my favorite students. We color and draw together a lot. I know I'm not supposed to have favorites but honestly, he's just too cute.

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